Our Approach
We use our experience in economic development to frame environmental, social, and cultural issues in a context that resonates with investors, community members, and public policy leaders. While we tailor our approach to each client and project, our process generally seeks to answer a series of questions aimed at arriving at relevant and achievable strategies.

a Baseline
What are the current conditions?
By analyzing a mix of publicly available indicators, conducting targeted analyses related to specific project goals, and reviewing any proprietary data, our analysis team will frame the conversation and identify points for further investigation as we move through the engagement and planning phases.
Creating a Vision
A shared vision will help articulate what success will look like if a plan is fully implemented. Coming to a consensus on a vision can be challenging; therefore, our team often uses what we’ve learned so far to draft several possible vision statements to guide the conversation.
What does success look like?

Identifying and Engaging Partners
We believe engagement is the cornerstone of any planning effort. Robust engagement can help validate findings, provide valuable quantitative data, and help identify those individuals and organizations who may be catalysts for advancing strategies during implementation. In this phase, we will engage with community members or other appropriate parties through interactive workshops we call Build Sessions.
What is possible?
Build Sessions are interactive workshops designed to facilitate the co-creation of solutions. During the Build Sessions, participants review the working papers, brainstorm and prioritize potential strategies, and then identify the actions, stakeholders, and resources required for implementation.
In this phase, we will engage with community members or other appropriate parties through interactive workshops we call Build Sessions.
How might we move towards solutions?
Co-creating Solutions

Final Report with Success Metrics
Planning for Success
What is needed for change and how will we measure impact?
Synthesizing the analysis and Build Session strategies, Fourth Economy will identify a set of steps for achieving the desired goals. Where appropriate we will identify possible funding mechanisms, identify who should lead each effort, and present Promising Practices - examples which demonstrate where similar strategies have been successful.
Final deliverables typically present findings and recommendations in an attractive and easily understandable format. Where appropriate we will identify possible funding mechanisms, suggest which partners can "own" each part of the plan, and present Promising Practices - examples which demonstrate where similar strategies have been successful.
Ongoing Engagement
We view our clients as partners and believe in establishing long-term partnerships that foster growth and innovation. Because of these ongoing relationships, many clients return to us to have us support implementation, track progress, or develop new initiatives. Together, we'll adapt, innovate, and celebrate milestones, ensuring your growth remains sustainable and dynamic.