Is Equitable Economic Development a Priority in Your Community?
Economies that work are those that work for everyone
Communities that deploy formal community planning processes that center equity are more likely to create alignment and accountability that lead to measurable results.
By addressing inequities across lines of race and income, cities, regions, and countries can experience long-term economic success and prosperity for their community as a whole. For example, if the United States works to close the racial equity gap by 2050, it could realize an $8 trillion gain in GDP.
Fourth Economy has a growing portfolio of work helping
communities examine economic disparities and developing unique solutions to closing gaps.

Four questions to consider
Where are there gaps and misalignments in my community?
Do all residents have access to opportunity?
Do local regulations and policies address or perpetuate disparities?
Is my community embedding equity in its planning efforts?
Fourth Economy can help communities with Equitable Community Planning by identifying gaps and priorities, engaging in community-based decision-making, and positioning for long-term success and accountability
What are the strengths of your community?
What problem are you seeking to address?
How do the goals, programs, policies, etc., of existing systems lead to or perpetuate these problems and strengths?
Who are your system partners?
How are these partners organized?
Do the partners reflect the community?
Are they working from a shared, common vision?
What programs and investments are needed?
What actors and organizations will lead the effort?
Are there strategic areas for development/redevelopment?
How will you measure success?
What indicators can you use to track effectiveness of outcomes?
Do these outcomes incorporate equity?

Project Examples
Get in touch to find out more about our assessment and planning capabilities
Fourth Economy is an economic development consultancy that uses analysis and engagement to help communities become more equitable, strategic, and resilient.
Want to know more? Get in touch!
Check Out Our Free Equitable Community Planning Toolkit
The Fourth Economy Equitable Community Planning Toolkit is the result of ongoing research, and contains resources developed to help leaders progress through their equitable planning goals and actions. It includes information on how communities across the United States are rising to meet the equity imperative, workbooks for uncovering and addressing challenges, as well as tools to apply promising practices and systems change processes in your community.