Promising Practices of Outdoor Recreation Economies
Silas Chamberlin, Ph.D., Vice President of Economic and Community Development, York County Economic Alliance
Ta Enos, founder and CEO, PA Wilds Center for Entrepreneurship
Daniel Paschall, Mid-Atlantic Manager, East Coast Greenway Alliance
Patrick Starr, Executive Vice President, Pennsylvania Environmental Council
Nathan Reigner, Ph.D., Director of Outdoor Recreation, PA Department of Conservation & Natural Resources
The panelists discussed how they define the Outdoor Economy, the wide-ranging benefits of investing in outdoor recreation, how they are working with economic developers in their respective regions, and more.
Resources from Panelists:
Improving quality of life—not just business—is the best path to Midwestern rejuvenation
East Coast Greenway Alliance Impact Report for the Delaware River Watershed
Chester riverfront trail
PEC podcast