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CreativeTech Cluster Strategy

Lansing Economic Area Partnership (LEAP)
Economic Strategy

Lansing Economic Area Partnership (LEAP) is the economic development organization representing the tri-county region of Clinton, Eaton and Ingham counties in partnership with the Michigan Economic Development Corporation. Their work is focused on: Attracting, expanding, and retaining new business, jobs, investment and people; Supporting entrepreneurs and startups; Creating and supporting equitable development programs to unlock the full potential of our local economy; and Creating and marketing the Lansing region as a top choice community.

Fourth Economy was engaged to support LEAP in creating a strategy and communication materials in service of the region’s emerging CreativeTech industry cluster. After co-creating a definition of the CreativeTech industry, the team was tasked with identifying market and growth opportunities for existing and prospective CreativeTech businesses and entrepreneurs and creating a final deliverable that defines and educates a wide audience on the CreativeTech industry, with particular attention to business retention, expansion, and attraction efforts.

Our Approach

The team performed an independent analysis of the CreativeTech industry using various open-sourced federal, state, local, and nonprofit-developed data, creating a transparent view of the strengths and weaknesses of the sector within the region’s economy. Based on precedent, the availability of data, and factors relevant to the Lansing tri-county region, the team defined the industry using NAICS codes across sectors.

We also conducted interviews and focus groups to gather in-depth insights and perspectives from key stakeholders within the ecosystem. This holistic approach complements the quantitative analysis by capturing the nuanced experiences, challenges, and opportunities faced by CreativeTech businesses, entrepreneurs, creative organizations, and other relevant entities.


The project resulted in two deliverables: a technical report defining the CreativeTech cluster as well as a designed, informational two pager to promote more understanding of the CreativeTech cluster among partners and potential investors. The report is an evaluation of emerging industry with a lens towards cluster growth potential. Call to actions center on ecosystem organization, capital raising, and program alignment. Measures of success are also included, particularly at the individual student level.

The technical report reflects on the needs for high-educational attainment, talent retention, ecosystem connectivity, and improved access to capital. Recommendations center on aligning programs and approaches across school districts, branding and marketing with an external focus, and incorporating more traditional economic development approaches to supporting the cluster.


Lansing, MI

Project Type

Economic Analysis

Client Type




Final Deliverable Design Samples (Click to Enlarge)

Email: engage (at)


Fourth Economy Consulting
PO Box 81620
Pittsburgh, PA 15217

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