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Economic Action Plan

York County Economic Alliance
Economic Strategy

York County Economic Alliance (YCEA) was created in 2012 as it grew out of York County’s chamber and economic development organizations. YCEA drives economic growth in York County, Pennsylvania by leveraging regional collaboration to create sustainable prosperity.

Fourth Economy and YCEA kicked off a 9-month planning process to create a five year Economic Action Plan that would guide investments in York County through 2025. In March 2020, as the local economic impacts of the global pandemic set in, our work pivoted to develop an assessment of impacts to the local economy to support the community's economic response and recovery actions. Due to the pivot, our team developed a short term recovery plan in addition to the resilience-focused 5-year strategy.

In early 2021 we further advanced analysis regarding childcare, housing, broadband related issues. This work helped inform the County’s allocation of over $14 million in federal COVID-19 funds for business relief, over $4 million of CARES Act funding for tourism, cultural, arts, workforce, and social services, and $5 million for broadband improvements.

Our Approach

With the help of a 25 member Steering Committee and Co-chairs, Fourth Economy engaged a broad coalition of stakeholders that represent all corners of York County, including young people, African American residents, Hispanic and Latinx residents, low income residents, and rural, urban, and suburban residents. Community outreach was especially important to this project given the large geographic footprint of the county and cultural differences that exist throughout. This high level of engagement helped ensure that the resulting strategies and recommendations were built by the community, reflecting their desires, hopes, and dreams for York County’s future.

The Results

The final plan was voted for adoption by both the City Council and Planning Commission in February of 2021. The recommendations in the plan outline action steps, lead organizations, and additional partners that will be critical for implementation in the coming years. The community has formed an Implementation Committee to help support and account for progress made toward the goals outlined in the 10-year plan, and will update metrics, goals, and tactics as needed as time progresses.


York, PA

Project Type

Economic Development Strategy

Client Type




Final Deliverable Design Samples (Click to Enlarge)

Email: engage (at)


Fourth Economy Consulting
PO Box 81620
Pittsburgh, PA 15217

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